From Astronomy to STEAM and Beyond

Digistar enables you to effortlessly illustrate scientific concepts through awe-inspiring visuals, immersing audiences in sophisticated and compelling experiences.

Easy to Use Production Tools

Control Panels

Tailor Digistar’s user interface (UI) to your needs with Control Panels.

Show Builder

Utilize Digistar’s visual production tool to easily create shows for your Dome.

Xbox / iPad Controllers

Smoothly traverse space and navigate landscapes effortlessly by using an Xbox or iPad controller.

Easy Access to Content


Simplify content sharing with our built-in cloud library, linking over 700 Digistar sites globally.


Streamline your programming with Digistar’s pre-planned curriculum, featuring a comprehensive collection of astronomy lessons.

STEAM Content

Enhance educational content with our STEAM library, providing in-depth exploration through interactive demonstrations.

Scientific Data Visualizations

Starfield Tuning

Intuitive control over every aspect of star visualization on the dome, ensuring your sky always looks its best.

Data Infrastructure

Digistar integrates scientific data with JavaScript, XML, Python, and its terrain engine, enabling stunning visualizations of the cosmos with ease.

Stunning Realism

Digistar data visualization connects your audiences to the latest discoveries like James Webb and beyond.

Powerful System Control


Gain precise control over every aspect of the system using Python, JavaScript, or Digistar’s language.

Recording: Flight & Script

Effortlessly empower your workflow: hit record, interact with the UI, push stop, and easily create a saved Digistar script.

Your Next Stellar Adventure Awaits

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