Digistar Empowers You with Ready-to-Use Resources

Deliver exceptional experiences in your dome without the hassle of hours-long preparation with easily accessible, pre-built content.

Digistar Cloud Library

A constantly expanding worldwide community collection of scripts, images and videos, presentations, control panel pages, 3-D models, and full-length fulldome shows.

Seamless Unreal Integration in Digistar

Unreal projects function as fully interactive display layers within Digistar, offering access to a global marketplace of readily available content. This optimizes both production and presentations for you and your team.

STEAM Content

Enhance your STEAM curriculum with Digistar’s interactive demonstrations. Explore in-depth scenarios in Art, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and more.

Fulldome Curriculum

Streamline your educational programming with Digistar’s comprehensive, pre-planned astronomy lessons. Designed for various grade levels, it includes guidance, presenter notes, discussion topics, and a rich array of slides, animations, and scene files.

Premium Media Programming

A new and flexible approach for Digistar planetariums to access an expanding collection of fulldome films.

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