Game Engine Integration
Meaningful Multi-Disciplinary Experiences That Go Beyond Astronomy
Digistar’s seamless integration of Unreal and Unity with Digistar expands your ability to teach diverse subjects in the most powerful immersive classroom – your dome.

Optimized Unreal Projects for Digistar
Digistar’s rendering of Unreal projects includes our industry-leading synchronization and distributed computing power to ensure smooth and immersive playback.
Seamless Unreal Integration in Digistar
Unreal projects work as fully interactive display layers inside of Digistar itself, streamlining both production and presentation for you and your team.

Interactive Controls
Our integration of Unreal content adds the gaming engine as another layer on your dome, seamlessly working with all Digistar features. Use Unreal content just like any other: drag and drop projects into your library, presentations, control panels, or domeview. Access Unreal controls through Digistar scripting, control panel pages, or your Xbox controller.
Unity Integration
Our integration of gaming engines like Unity with Digistar’s distributed computing and rendering capabilities enables planetariums to harness creative platforms for engaging audiences in compelling and interactive ways.